Editing Users

Using this procedure, you will edit the existing user.

  1. Select Access Menu and then select Security | Users.

    In your list of users, there is a new user account named ADC Default, which cannot be edited or deleted. Enact uses ADC Default for all automated data collection tasks.

  2. In the Users landing page, select Edit for the desired user.

  3. In the First Name data field, type the user's first name.
  4. In the Last Name data field, type the user's last name.
    • To configure the user image, locate the optional image item, and then do one of the following:

      • To upload an image when no image currently exists, select More, select Upload Image, and then browse to the new image (maximum image size 600 KB; file types JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP).
      • To change an existing image, select More, select Change Image, and then browse to the new image (maximum image size 600 KB).
      • To remove an existing image, select More and then select Remove Image.

      InfinityQS recommends resizing images to an aspect ratio of 4:3 (for example, 160 pixels wide by 120 pixels tall).

  5. In the Email Address data field, you can disable the user's email, allowing you to create user accounts without email addresses. Upon creating a new user without an email address, users with the Manage password emails for users with no email role permission with an access level equal to or above the newly created user will receive the password creation email. For more information, please see Roles.

    To disable the user's email, select Expand and then select Opt out.

    If you do not see Expand and Opt out, you have enabled the Require Email for all users setting in the security policy. For more information, please see Configuring Security Policy.

  6. In the Email Address data field, type the user's email address. 
  7. In the Username data field, type the user's login username. The username can contain alphanumeric characters, and it must be unique.

    The required username length is set under the Credential Settings Tab in the Configuring Security Policy page.

  8. In the activation section, you can manually set the user Activation Start Date and Activation End Date. User's with an Activation End Date that has passed will be automatically marked as inactive.

    Inactive users will not be able to log into Enact and will not receive notification emails, nor will they be eligible for license assignment.

    Also, if you create a user and do NOT manually set the Activation Start Date, Enact automatically activates the user, setting the Activation Start Date to the date you saved the user.

    To manually set the activate start and end date, select Calendar and select the desired date. Updating an Activation End Date that has passed to the present or a future date will remove the inactive status for a user.

  9. In the Role drop-down list, select the level of privileges, which grant the right to access and edit specific functions and elements.
  10. In the Access Level(s) data field, you set what the user can see in Enact. To set the access level, do the following:

    1. In the Access Level(s) data field, select Access Level(s).

    2. In the Access Level(s) dialog box, select the sites, areas, and processes that the user can see. If you check a top-level process, the user will also be able to see every process underneath that level.
    3. Select Save.
  11. In the Assigned Work Dashboard drop-down list, do the following:

    • To enable the user's work dashboard, select Yes.
    • To disable the user's work dashboard, select No.

    For more information about work dashboards, please see Managing Work Dashboards.

    If you assign a work dashboard to an existing user, that user must log out and log in to see the work dashboard in the select dashboard dialog box.

  12. In the Preferred Language drop-down list, select the user's preferred language, which also sets the appropriate time representation (12 hour AM/PM or 24 hour).

    Enact currently supports the following languages:

  13. In the Assigned License drop-down list, do the following:

    • To grant a license to the user, select Yes.
    • To deny a license from the user, select No.

    Users who have been marked inactive cannot be assigned a license and the entry will be frozen and default to No. For more information about licenses, please see Licenses.

  14. To designate in which department the user license resides, do the following:

    1. Locate the Department data field.
    2. In the Department drop-down list, select the desired department. HintClosedTo locate the desired department, begin typing a string within the department. For example, to locate Department Name, you can type dep or you can type nam.

    For more information, please see Viewing License Report.

    The Department data field is for recordkeeping purposes only, and does not affect access level.

  15. In the Menu Template drop-down list, select the desired menu template. HintClosedTo locate the desired menu template, begin typing a string within the menu template. For example, to locate Template Name, you can type tem or you can type cal.

    For more information, please see Menu Templates.

  16. Select Save, or select Save & Add Another to save the user and immediately create another user.