
Using workflows, you can link process events to sets of event codes and comments, and then assign responsibility to roles so that users within those roles must provide events codes and comments to close the event. Enact notifies users of their event responsibilities, indicating the event codes and comments that are required, optional, or disallowed. For example, upon a specification limit violation on Frying Line 001 in Fairfax, Enact notifies users in the Quality Manager role that a Root Cause and Resolution is required, and an event comment is optional.

Enact automatically updates workflow configurations every 10 minutes, which means there will be a slight delay before you see recent changes.

Because Enact assigns events to all users in a role, it is not necessary for a single user to complete all of the event reviews to close an event. The responsibility can be shared by multiple users. For example, if the Quality Manager role contains six users, and a workflow has four required items, the event will be closed if one user completes all four items, or if four users do one required item each, or any other combination. Enact only needs that any user with event responsibility complete each required item.

The procedure for creating and using workflows, which includes reviewing and closing events, is as follows:

  1. Establish limits to evaluate violations. For example, you must create specification limits to generate an out -of-specification violation. For more information, please see Creating Manufacturing Limits.
  2. Create new code types and event codes, if necessary. For more information, please see Managing Code Types and Managing Event Codes.
  3. Create the workflow. For more information, please see Creating Workflows.
  4. Create the workflow assignments. For more information, please see Creating Workflow Assignments.
  5. In the Event Banner in the Notifications tile, review and complete your events. For more information, please see Managing Notifications Tiles (Raw Dashboards) or Managing Notifications Tiles (Work Dashboards).

    If you have a required review item that is not within your responsibilities, you can still access it, as follows:

  6. In the Process Events Pareto tile, you can see all open and completed events by adding the Status level in the Defining Levels section. For more information, please see Managing Pareto Tiles.