Managing Data Collection Tiles (Raw Dashboards)

The Data Collection tile displays the data collections the current user can use, based on Access Level (set by administrator; for more information, please see Editing Users) and process responsibility (set by user; for more information, please see Selecting My Processes). When you add requirements to the data collection (for more information, please see Creating Data Collection Requirements), which establishes a timing window for the collection to occur, Enact only displays the data collection with timer during this window, hiding the data collection without timer. Enact always displays the data collection without timer in the maximized View All page (for more information, please see Viewing All Data Collections).

When you select the parameter set on the dashboard, it will not affect the contents of this tile. Enact indicates this tile is only affected by process responsibility by a black bar across the top. For more information about process responsibility, please see Selecting My Processes.

  1. In the raw dashboard toolbar, select Add Tile.
  2. In the tile selection dialog box, select the Data Collection tile.

  3. In the Data Collection tile, you can do the following:

    • Opening Data Collections
    • Pausing Timed Data Collections