Configuring DCS for Enact
You can configure DCS to interface to Enact, allowing you to acquire live data from a data source (for example, InfinityQS DMS) and deliver that data to Enact using a web-based transport.
If you follow the steps below and DCS fails to authenticate your computer, displaying the message, Invalid Site Signature, there is a problem with the corporate structure that you typed in the Configure Enact dialog box. Please verify the values in each level of the corporate structure (Company, Division, Region, Site, and Department), and retry the authentication procedure. For example, you may have misspelled one of the processes (Cherry Chips instead of Cheery Chips), or you may have missed a space in one of the processes (NorthAmerica Region instead of North America Region).
To interface DCS to Enact, do the following:
In the DCS Browser menu bar, click Configuration | Cloud Services | Configure Enact.
If the data fields in the Configure Enact dialog box are read-only, you must close the DCS Browser and reopen it as an administrator.
- In the Base Address data field, type the Enact Cloud Service web address.
In the Site Signature (Corporate Structure) section, type the names for the top-level of the corporate structure, as follows:
Company. Type the company in your Enact system. For example, if the Company level process in your Enact system is Cheery Chips, type Cheery Chips.
Division. Type the desired division in your Enact system. For example, if the desired Division level process in your Enact system is Chips Division, type Chips Division.
Region. Type the desired region in your Enact system. For example, if the desired Region level process in your Enact system is North America Region, type North America Region.
Site. Type the desired site in your Enact system. For example, if the desired Site level process in your Enact system is Fairfax, type Fairfax.
Department. Type the desired department in your Enact system. For example, if the desired Department level process in your Enact system is Department, type Department.
You must provide names for existing top-level processes.
If the Configure Enact dialog box displays the Authentication Required message in the lower right hand corner, you must authenticate DCS as a valid Enact user. To authenticate, click the Authenticate button, and then do the following:
- In the Your Workstation Id is: data field, verify your workstation identifier.
Click the Get Authentication Code button.
If you are prompted to log in, type your company identifier, username, and password, and then click the Login button. For instructions on logging into Enact, please see Logging In in the Enact help system.
After logging in, if you are prompted to authenticate the workstation, type the emailed access code and select your workstation from the drop-down list, and then click the Authenticate button. For instructions on authenticating workstations, please see Authenticating Workstations in the Enact help system.
In the Device Name data field, type the name of the new workstation. Ensure the name is unique and descriptive.
You can use the Workstation ID from the Enact Authentication dialog box.
- In the Client Type drop-down list, click DCS/EIS.
Click the Generate Key button, and then click the Copy button.
Right click in the Paste the Authentication Information text box, and then click Paste in the pop-up menu.
Click in the Paste the Authentication Information text box, and then press CTRL+V.
Click the OK button.
Once you authenticate your workstation, you do not need to authenticate it again unless DCS triggers an authentication error, you are updating DCS to connect to a new Enact tenant, or you are retiring the workstation. To change authentication, do the following:
Click the Clear Authentication button.
- In the prompt, click the Yes button.
- Click the OK button.