Managing Display of Specifications Limit on Control Charts
You can show/hide specifications limit/piece values on the control charts using the Show Specifications Limit (Piece Values) toggle available on the control charts.
The appearance of the Show Specifications Limit (Piece Values) toggle on the control charts is controlled by the global setting Enable Control Chart USL/LSL display toggle. For more information, see Enabling Specifications Limit on Control Charts.
By default, the Show Specifications Limit (Piece Values) toggle on the control charts is set to off.
When the Show Specifications Limit (Piece Values) toggle on a control chart is set to on:
For, IXMS control charts, USL/LSL values are displayed for a subgroup.
For IX-MR variable control charts, the specifications limit displays (in addition to control limits) on the IX chart.
The toggle behavior is saved as user preference and remains same for a user for all the IX-MS control charts.
For X bar control chart, the specifications limit and piece values display for a subgroup.
You can mark the subgroup inactive from the left panel and all the piece values will be marked as inactive. The same behavior is replicated to piece values similar to mean value markers visible.
The toggle behavior is saved as user preference and remains same for a user for all the X bar control charts.
Piece values are highlighted whenever the mean marker axis is highlighted by the clicking the Y axis plot area.