Managing Control Charts

The Control Chart is a graphical display of a feature that has been measured or computed from a sample versus the sample number or time. Once you set control limits, the chart contains a centreline that represents the mean or average value of the quality characteristic corresponding to the in-control state. The top line is the upper control limit (UCL) and the bottom line is the lower control limit (LCL). If nearly all of the sample points fall between the control limits (UCL and LCL), you can consider the process to be in-control.

Enact stores the Control Chart options for individual users. If you make changes to the Control Chart options and you return later, Enact remembers and displays the changes for you. If another user makes changes to the Control Chart options and that user returns later, Enact remembers and displays the changes for that user.

  • Variable control charts track features that can be measured on a continuous scale and generate both the mean and variability, leading to more efficient control feedback and providing more information about process performance than Attribute Control Charts.

  • Attribute control charts normalise the values to the subgroup size rather than plotting the raw number of defects or defectives found as follows:

    • Defects. Using a u chart, Enact plots the ratio of defects to the subgroup size for each subgroup.

    • Defectives. Using a p chart, Enact plots the ratio of defectives to the subgroup size for each subgroup.

  1. In the Control Chart, you can do the following:

    • Managing Data View Charts
  2. Select Back.