Managing Bubble Charts

The Bubble Chart tile displays three statistics for each process branch in the parameter set, summarized at a particular hierarchy level (for example, division, region, site, etc.) and plotted as a disk that expresses the values through the disk's X-Axis Statistic and Y-Axis Statistic (both required), and the disk's size (optional). Each bubble is a summary of all the processes underneath the top-level process, which is set in the Initial Grouping data field (for example, a Division-level bubble represents a summary of all processes within that division). By selecting a bubble on the Bubble Chart, you can drill down into child processes, starting at the top-level (Division by default, though it depends on the Initial Grouping configuration), and through level 10 of the process hierarchy.

When you select the parameter set on the dashboard, it will affect the contents of this tile.

  1. In the aggregated dashboard toolbar, select Add Tile and then select the Bubble Chart tile.

    When you add the Bubble Chart tile for the first time, you must configure the tile before doing anything else. Please select Configure Options, and then follow the instructions below.

  2. In the Bubble Chart tile, you can do the following:

    • Selecting Parameter Sets