Creating Code Groups
Using this procedure, you will create the code group.
Enact automatically updates weights for codes every 10 minutes, which means there will be a slight delay before you see recent changes.
- Select Access Menu and then select Feature | Code Groups.
In the Code Groups landing page, select Create Code Group.
- In the Code Group data field, type the code group name.
- In the Long Name data field, type the extended name of the code group.
- To prevent users from adding new codes during data collection, activate the Lock list during use slider.
Select Save.
To add new codes, you must first save the code group.
To add a new code, select Code, and then do the following:
- In the Code Name data field, type the code name.
To configure the code group image, locate the optional image item, and then do one of the following:
- To upload an image when no image currently exists, select More, select Upload Image, and then browse to the new image (maximum image size 600 KB; file types JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP).
- To change an existing image, select More, select Change Image, and then browse to the new image (maximum image size 600 KB).
- To remove an existing image, select More and then select Remove Image.
InfinityQS recommends resizing images to an aspect ratio of 4:3 (for example, 160 pixels wide by 120 pixels tall).
- In the Weight column, type the weight of the code. If the Weight of the selected defective code equals 0 (zero), the piece passes. If the Weight of the selected defective code is greater than 0 (zero), the piece fails.
To activate the code, activate the Active slider.
To deactivate the code, deactivate the Active slider.
- Select Save, or select Save & Create Another to save the code and immediately create another code.
To edit an existing code, select Edit, and then do the following:
- In the Code Name data field, type the code name.
To configure the code group image, locate the optional image item, and then do one of the following:
- To upload an image when no image currently exists, select More, select Upload Image, and then browse to the new image (maximum image size 600 KB; file types JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP).
- To change an existing image, select More, select Change Image, and then browse to the new image (maximum image size 600 KB).
- To remove an existing image, select More and then select Remove Image.
InfinityQS recommends resizing images to an aspect ratio of 4:3 (for example, 160 pixels wide by 120 pixels tall).
- In the Weight column, type the weight of the code. If the Weight of the selected defective code equals 0 (zero), the piece passes. If the Weight of the selected defective code is greater than 0 (zero), the piece fails.
To activate the code, activate the Active slider.
To deactivate the code, deactivate the Active slider.
- Select Save.
To remove an existing code, select More and then select Remove. In the Remove Code dialog box, select OK.
Using tags, you can provide additional characteristics to further identify the code group. To add tags to the code group, do the following:
Select Tag Group.
In the Tag Group drop-down list, select the desired tag group.
- Select Save.
- Select Save, and then select Close to close the page.