
In a role, you grant specific privileges to functions and elements within Enact. If you assign a user to a role with specific privileges, that user inherits those privileges. For example, if you create a Data Entry role with the Data Collection / Data Collection privilege (and no other privileges), and then assign Bonnie Tennet to the Data Entry role, Bonnie would now be able to collect data, but would not be able to create or edit users, create or edit a dashboard, create or edit parts, etc.

By granting privileges through roles, you will not have to maintain access rights for individual users to functions and elements. You can create specific roles within your system, and then distribute privileges to assigned users via those roles. Consider the following roles:

  • System Administrator. Responsible for configuring and maintaining the complete Enact system, including roles, users, security policy, descriptors, process models, data collection configurations, gauge configurations and global settings, the system administrator should be technically savvy and understand all parts of the Enact system.
  • Business Management. Responsible for the quality, efficiency, downtime and costs, business managers will monitor the financial impact that quality control has on processes, using tiles on dashboards to analyse department, site and division-level efficiency data to determine areas of loss or improvement.
  • Quality Control. Responsible for ensuring the manufactured product meets the organisational standards set forth by the end user, the quality control representative maintains the integrity of the data through specification and control limits, the sampling size and frequency of data collection, and the validation of the data collection procedures.
  • Process Analyst. Responsible for formulating conclusions after analysing the data collection process, the process analyst reduces product defects caused by the process, productivity levels of a specific process or an employee related to the process, by improving the data entry interface, maintaining data entry documentation and optimising the contents of the tiles on dashboards.
  • Data Entry. Responsible for collecting data, the user may also edit existing subgroup data and fill out timed or triggered checklists.