Creating Manufacturing Limits

Using this procedure, you will create the manufacturing limits.

Enact automatically updates manufacturing limits every 10 minutes, which means there will be a slight delay before you see recent changes.

  1. Select Access Menu and then select Analysis | Manufacturing Limits.
  2. In the Manufacturing Limits landing page, select Create Manufacturing Limit.

  3. In the Part drop-down list, select the desired part. HintClosedTo locate the desired part, begin typing a string within the part. For example, to locate Part Name, you can type par or you can type nam.
  4. In the Units drop-down list, select the desired measurement unit.
  5. In the Feature drop-down list, select the desired feature. HintClosedTo locate the desired feature, begin typing a string within the feature. For example, to locate Feature Name, you can type fea or you can type nam.

    If you select a part-feature combination that matches a removed manufacturing limit, Enact displays the message, "Manufacturing Limit already exists as removed record for [Part] - [Feature] combination. Manufacturing Limit needs to be restored first before using it." Do one of the following:

  6. In the Process drop-down list, select the desired process. HintClosedTo locate the desired process, begin typing a string within the process. For example, to locate Process Name, you can type pro or you can type nam.

    If you cannot see the Process data field, expand Define Constraints.

    Enact applies the configured manufacturing limits to the selected process and also all processes and subprocesses below it in the hierarchy. For example, if you create a Net Weight manufacturing limit and select the Fairfax (site) process, Enact cascades the manufacturing limit to all processes and subprocesses within the Fairfax site.

  7. Modify the contents under the following tabs:

  8. Select Save.